Spiritual Grooming


Did you brush your teeth this morning? How about last night? Would you consider going out in public without brushing your teeth? When was the last time you showered? Brushed your hair? I’m guessing you know where I’m going with this.

We all have daily grooming habits that we wouldn’t even consider going without (ok, so you skipped a shower on your recent camping trip, but you know what I mean)

So what are your daily Spiritual Grooming habits? Here are a few suggestions to try out.

Morning Routine

Abraham-Hicks and Louise Hay both talk about the importance of how you start your day. When your day starts out with your favorite way of “getting your head on straight” (wonder where that saying came from?), the whole day goes much better. Some suggestions include: morning prayer and Bible reading, meditation- Here is my favorite one, journaling, daily affirmations especially in front of the mirror, yoga or other exercise such as a walk outside. Morning tapping (check out my YouTube channel), etc… 


Sometime during your day, even if it’s just a few minutes, spend some time dreaming about your ideal life. I’m not talking about dreaming about going to the moon (unless that’s truly your hearts desire), I’m talking about dreaming about realistic dreams you’d like to have or do. Get into feeling how wonderful it will be when you have whatever it is and imagine it as if it were happening in the present  not out there in some nebulous future. For example if your dream is to weight 125, imagine how wonderful it feels to be 125, how you dress, how you walk and hold your body, how you eat, etc…. Be in that reality for a few minutes everyday.

Set an Alarm

What about during the day? I have a couple clients who have set alarms on their phone. One uses hers to remember to slow down and simply be present in the moment and take a few deep breaths, the other uses hers to remind her to pray or remember her connection to God or the Universe. What could you use an alarm for?

Bedtime Routine

Journing at bedtime can be a great way to remember the magical moments of your day. Maybe use one of these writing prompts:  “What went really well in my day today?” or “What am really grateful today?” Either of these set the tone for the last few minutes of your day.

Even if journaling at bedtime isn’t your thing, Wayne Dyer talked about the importance of what’s on your mind the last five minutes of the day in his book Wishes Fulfilled. Spending those last few moments as you’re drifting off to sleep simply remembering the magical moments of your day or thinking about what you are grateful for are fabulous ways to fall asleep. It’s especially important to get into the feeling of gratefulness as you drift off.

And lastly, remember that saying about you’re not truly dressed until you put on a smile? Live as if that is true the majority of the time and it will become a very natural part of your life.

Happy grooming!

If you found this blog helpful, please share with your friends or grumpy neighbors; maybe it will change things.



meditation, spiritual

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