Nick told me these 3 things…

3 powerful steps are all you need to create more peace and healing in your life.

An EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or Matrix Reimprinting session can be boiled down to just 3 steps. These 3 steps are not only powerful for an EFT or MR session, but they can be applied to your everyday life for more peace, understanding and overall healing. I learned these 3 steps from Nick Ortner’s presentation on Saturday, October 15th at the very last Hay House I Can Do It Conference in Fort Lauderdale.

Here’s the 3 steps to take for a happier life:

  1. Calm it Down
    Whenever we are triggered or upset by something in life, we receive a painful message and we can’t think straight in that particular moment. The prefrontal cortex, the logical thinking part of the brain, goes “offline” and we are functioning from a more basic level of the brain and we just can’t think clearly. We react instead of thinking things through. Another way of looking at this comes from a talk I heard between Cheryl Richardson and Jessica Ortner in the 2016 Tapping World Summit. Cheryl told Jessica that when you are in your ‘stuff,’ you are reacting from the age that you feel in that moment, so of course, you don’t have access to your adult resources to help you. Think about this. If your boss yells at you and you feel like you did when your Dad yelled at you at 5 years old, at that moment, you react like a 5-year-old. In that moment, it is hard to know how to handle it. You can handle this moment by simply tapping. With just tapping you will calm yourself down, your cortisol levels will drop, and you’ll be able to think about how you, the “adult You,” wants to handle the situation.
  2. Clean Up the Past
    Remember that example of the 5-year-old being yelled at by her Dad? That memory is exactly the type of thing that EFT or Matrix Reimprinting is beautiful at healing. Many people know about EFT or Tapping but less is known about Matrix Reimprinting (MR). In MR, we simply imagine seeing the scene from the past and the “now You” or “adult You” goes into that scene to help the “child You” from the past. Although we can’t change the past, we can change our perception and how the information is stored in our memories to be more empowering. Our perception is where all of our pain lies. If we change our perception, we change our life. The overall result is that as you heal wounds from the past, you are left feeling more loved and empowered.
  3. Create a Compelling Future
    And now, here’s the best part of all. As you calm yourself down about whatever is your issue at the moment, heal the past events that led to a possible over-reaction or being triggered in that situation, you now have the bandwidth to focus on what you really want and can create the life of your dreams. You’re out of survival mode. You can think clearly. You can dream big dreams.
    This is not meant to be difficult, and although you might not go from 0 to 60 in 1 minute, changes can be made pretty quickly. With that being said, this is a practice. A way of life. A continual looking at how you are handling things today and how you could handle things differently from here on out.
    So much more is possible for your life than you may have ever realized and with a daily practice that might include: tapping, meditation, prayer, yoga, etc… you really do get closer and closer to the life of your dreams.

Thanks, Nick, for drilling down what happens in a powerful EFT session into 3 simple steps. I think we all appreciate keeping it simple.


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